Wineglass Marathon 2018: Week 8

Total Mileage: 41.6

Once I get into the higher mileage weeks in my training cycle, my mental goal starts to become "I just need to hit 40 miles this week."

May not seem like much to some, but to me it is a goal that is attainable, so long as I stay on top of my weekday mileage, and don't get lazy about it. After my long run on Sunday, I was feeling successful and ready to start another week.

Monday means no running most of the time, to allow for recovery post long run, so I got in the pool instead. The workout was mostly kicking drills this week, with some 250 m repeats, and boy did my legs thank me for that. I felt so much better after swim, as I usually do when recovering from long runs. More often than not I struggle to get myself to the pool, and when I successfully get there, the feeling of accomplishment is great. 


The next morning I had my eye on getting my quality run in, and set the alarm for a little earlier than usual. My training plan called for a warmup and then 70 minutes at an 8:41 pace, and because of the summer heat and humidity, I planned to do this run on a treadmill knowing that the controlled air in the gym would make the paces more attainable. I got to the gym around 6:30 and hopped on the treadmill, and took care of a mile warmup before getting into the meat of the workout. I ran out of time on the treadmill after 50 minutes at 8:41, but was still really happy with myself for holding that pace for so long - I always surprise myself when I pull off sub-9 paces.

Of course, I had set my goal at 70 minutes at that pace, and after work got on the treadmill again to get those last few miles in, and brought my daily mileage total to 10 miles. Once the treadmill work was done, I got in my cross-training with some weights. I am happy that I am finally committing to consistent strength training, and getting to the gym for it twice a week.

Wednesday morning I got my butt to the gym again, and this time aimed for progressive miles, getting a little faster as each mile passed by.  I had time for five before it was time to head home and get ready for work, which I deemed "good enough" after managing 10 the day before. I took it easy that night, planning for another 7 the next morning. Plus, it was my and Dennis' 6 year anniversary, so we were heading to the melting pot for a fancy pants dinner. 

I ventured outside again on Thursday, and headed into the less hilly part of my neighborhood. If I was going to be dealing with heat and humidity, I at least wanted to not also be dying with the up and down of hills. Kasey and I found each other on the main road, and stuck together for a few miles, until she was out of time for the morning. I kept it easy, at around a 10 min/mi, just running by feel and trying to ignore my pace. Very many loops later, I ran back up to my apartment, with so much sweat on my person that I had a full on sweat stache. Dewey beads of sweat on my face and all.

Friday morning, I tried out the beach body on demand craze, and was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the workout. I hadn't done an at home workout since we got the cats, and they were VERY CONCERNED about what in the world I was doing - Binx even made off with my resistance bands several times. 


Friday night my cousin Jen came into town from Atlanta for her annual summer visit, and we spent the night with Emily and Kasey, drinking wine, and eating fondue. Not the best thing to do while marathon training, but I would never miss the chance to spend a night hanging out with those three - we even had a lazy Saturday morning. When I got up on Saturday I figured I would squeeze in a few easy miles at some point, but to my surprise, by bridal shower was happening that day! So no run, but hours spent with so many of my people, who traveled into town from all over the country. My mom also went above and beyond with this shower, secretly collecting teapots for the last year, and throwing the most spectacular wonderland themed bridal tea party.

When I walked into the hall I had worked out that something was up, and we were not going to brunch like I had been lead to believe. So, my look of surprise was more in reaction to the over the top decorations - from mis-matched tea pots and cups at every setting, handmade giant paper flowers hanging atop a custom bridal shower backdrop, playing cards pasted to the ceiling, and three tier tea towers with piles of scones and finger sandwiches. After I changed into the dress that Mom had brought with her and made my rounds around the room, I got a moment to sample the delicious foods before being taken to the middle of the room to start the festivities. We played the standard games, from bridal shower bingo as the gifts were opened to "who knows the bride best?" (Kasey won, in case you were wondering. Her prize? Tea of course!), and even had a fun twist on one game. My bridesmaid Minal had asked Dennis to fill out a survey about our relationship, and then put me to the task of answering the same questions. The twist? When I got one right my maid of honor, Jen, had to eat a marshmallow. If I was wrong, the marshmallow was for me to eat. We both quickly became chubby bunnies with cheeks full of marshmallows - which was way harder to deal with than I anticipated. 

It was a long day, capped off with dinner out with some of my bridesmaids, and needless to say that short run never happened.

Sadly, the weather forecast was much better for Saturday than it was for Sunday, and by the time I headed out for my run thunderstorms were looming on the horizon. I needed to get through 19.5 miles, so I headed out anyway, that way it would not have to all be done on the treadmill.


The air was heavy through the first two miles, and in the third the rain began. I was prepared though- with pre-applied body glide and a running hat. The rain actually felt amazing, and as the sky opened up the humidity lifted, and I could breathe. I kept at it as the storm picked up, the roads became rivers, and every bit of clothing I had soaked entirely through. Just as I hit mile six, I started to hear thunder and knew that my rainy run had to come to an end. When I got back to the apartment I dried off, and waited a few minutes to see if the storm would pass before resigning myself to over 13 miles on a treadmill. But alas, the storm did not lift and off to planet fitness I went.

Was I once again that weird girl at the gym who is eating while on the treadmill? You know it! At first the miles felt like there were never going to end, but eventually I found my groove, picked a playlist, and settled in to get the miles done. One treadmill half marathon later my long run was complete. I was a little disappointed with having to split the distance two weekends in a row, but thankful that I got the whole distance in at least.

Another week closer to the Wineglass marathon, and I find myself questioning my ability every day. But at least I know that with each day passing i have a few more freckles from the summer sun, and my legs are a little more prepared to toe the start line.